Thursday 21 August 2014

Hair Update!

Hey everyone! I thought that now was the right time to give you an update on my current hair colour. 
Over the past few days my hair was all I could think about, literally - I've been hair crazy! There's only so much a girl can take when she hates her hair. It was like having bad hair days constantly for the amount of time that I had it and if you're a girl and you're reading this, you'll know how painful that must've been. 
You would've thought that it was a life or death situation with how much analytical thought was going through my mind. 
  • My hair is too dead
  • I was silver hair
  • No you don't Abbie, you just want to stop dying your hair
  • But I want to look like Perrie Edwards
  • I want white hair
  • I want to stop dying my hair altogether
  • I hate my roots
  • It costs too much money
Those were the thoughts battling each other in my mind and then finally, I gave up. 
I had a long chat with my Sister and she basically told me that if I was going to get Silver hair, the only way to it would have been to bleach my hair. I don't know what scares me so much about bleaching but even thinking about it makes me cringe, I just couldn't do it.
So I just decided to go back to my normal hair colour and forget about the fantasy altogether. It would've been nice having silver hair but it just wasn't working. On some occasions I would be dying my hair 3 times a day therefore spending over £18 on hair dye alone. I was skint constantly and struggling to find money to go out with my friends because I was just constantly spending money on my hair. 
I thought back to what my hair looked like before I had dyed it originally and decided to find a hair dye similar to how it would've looked and just dyed it that colour so I could finally leave it. I had to think quite far back because of how long I have been dying my hair for and after discussions with my Mum and Sister, looking at old photographs and analysing my root colour -  I think I finally found the right one.

So, this is what I look like right now! 

Hooray for no more patchiness!! 

As you should be able to tell from my post about trying to get silver hair, going this colour is a dramatic change for me so I didn't really take to it at first. The dye was supposed to be left on for 25 minutes at the most - I left it on for 5 minutes, washed it off and it came out looking exactly like it did on the box so you can pretty much guess how bright my hair was to begin with. I feel so much better with this hair colour and feel a lot more natural.

If I was to give any sort of advice to anyone reading this then it would go pretty much like this - 

  • If you're wanting to achieve a specific shade of blonde, don't rely on box hair dyes. Go and get it done professionally
  • If you're wanting silver hair, don't rely on silver shampoo. Go and get it done professionally
  • NEVER dye your hair twice in one dye - Don't even dye it twice in one weekend because my hair is dead beyond return. I can wash my hair in the morning and have it be greasy before I go to sleep
  • If you are going to dye your hair then make sure you follow the instructions on the box carefully and don't think "It's fine, I know what I'm doing because I've dyed my hair before" because every hair dye solution is different
  • And of course, always do an allergy test on your skin 24 hours before you apply the dye just to be on the safe side!

If you have any questions about hair dye, the effects it has on your hair or if you've had bad experiences with hair dye yourself then leave them in the comments! Get involved :) 

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